March 5, 2012

Yelle - Comme Un Enfant (Freaks Remix)

Nice video!

Elections. Ex-New President.

Russian nation had presidential elections. Almost 65% russians voted for our new president. It wasn't a surprise that will be elected our premier minister Vladimir Putin. Some people are joking speaking: Putin is our premier and ex-new president. Unfortunately they're right. 

Government have to change. New people, new progress. Change of leadirships hither and thither provoke a stagnation in daily  life.

I hope, that new Putin's politics will be more better for common peoples like me.

March 2, 2012

Ford Mustang Shelby GT-500 2013

Ahhh!!! This car is my dream! Look at videos! It's awesome!
By the way advert is cool too!

March 1, 2012

Crossposting RSS to Twitter

Some days ago i faced with a problem: i couldn't connect my Feedburner's feed to Twitter. I remembered that in menu "Publicize" were submenu "Socialize". But now there is no this submenu.

I was confused, i thought that now i have to use another different services like FriendFeed and other. But when i don't know what happened or when i don't know what to do i use.... Google!

I googled strange for me request, i just didn't know how to formulate it, and started to look through information. I found this:

  1. You have to log in your Feedburner account and go to menu Publicize.
  2. After that you have to look at your address line. There will be something like this:
  3. You have to change word Publicize on Socialise, it'll be like this:
  4. Pess Enter and now you can connect your Twitter with RSS!